The series premiered in 1952. Stopped in 1954 after 14 issues, but continued titled Larry Kent's Comic until 1955 (additional 8 issues). The main character is the American born Larry Kent, who has emigrated to Australia and settled as a private detective. He flaunts all the supposed characteristics of the trade; he gets into trouble, he smokes cigarettes, he drinks whisky, he appreciates beautiful women, and - he hates crime! The title's exclamation mark disappeared from issue #10. The stories are based on Australian half-hour radio serials by the same name. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#2 - 1953 |
#5 - 1953 |
#7 - 1953 |
#10 - 1953 |
#12 - 1954 |
#14 - 1954 |