The series premiered in 1982. Stopped in 1990 after 215 issues, but continued in a larger format until 1991 (additional 26 issues). The main character is the young girl Vanessa Bunburry, who is living with her parents in a castle named Westwood Manor in Essex, England. She has the gift of being able to talk to spirits, and especially one of them, a teenager named Harold, helps her along in her adventures by giving her a magical amulet as well as opening the door to time thus enabling her to travel on special investigations and helpful missions. The series is subtitled Die Freundin der Geister meaning The Friend of the Spirits in English. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1982 |
#59 - 1983 |
#116 - 1984 |
#151 - 1987 |
#182 - 1989 |
#208 - 1990 |