The series premiered in 1976*. Stopped in 1979 after 44 issues, but continued from 1982 to 1984 (additional 39 issues). In-between the series had a separate run titled Apache. This Swedish series consists of diverse independent stories from the Wild West. Some of the recurring characters are Ben Hogan, El Diablo, and Jonah Hex. * The first Swedish issues came from the American series titled Tomahawk primarily featuring the Wild West frontiersman Tom Hawk. The series ran from 1951 to 1969 under two different publishers. |
None. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
#9 - 1976 |
#3 - 1977 |
#11 - 1977 |
#8 - 1978 |
#8 - 1979 |
#12 - 1979 |