The series premiered in 1959. Stopped in 1963 after 187 issues, but has been continued to this day in two more series by another publisher from 2008 and 2009. This strip format series' main character is the millionaire Gary Swanson, who, after having accidentally crashed his airplane in the jungle, decides to remain and help friendly tribes and wild animals. His base is a small hut, which he shares with the powerful gorilla Kerak and the slightly mischievous monkeys Pip and Pop. The series is subtitled Sohn des Dschungels (meaning Son of the Jungle in English). |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1959 |
#39 - 1960 |
#83 - 1961 |
#117 - 1961 |
#151 - 1962 |
#187 - 1963 |