The series premiered in 1938. Stopped in 1963 after 1245 issues. The series features multiple stories from diverse foreign (mostly American) action and humour series. Also, the Danish short story series Pillerik was a long-running part of the magazine. The Danish title of the magazine refers to the name of the main character in one of the American series known as Popeye. |
None. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). Until #10-1953 the magazine was published in an oversized format. Due to Nazi sabotage the magazine was not published during the spring of 1945. |
#3 - 1938 |
#5-22 - 1945 |
#5 - 1953 |
#20 - 1955 |
#25 - 1958 |
#13 - 1963 |