The series premiered in 2000*. Stopped in 2005 after 71 issues. The series contains action stories loosely based on the classic novel character Robinson Crusoe, who - apart from events on an isolated island - mostly travels accompanied by his young male sidekick Xury and the Portugese female Gracia, who has to be rescued from numerous dangers along the way. * The series' first run was from 1953 to 1954 (125 issues) by another publisher, and since then several other companies have been reprinting parts of the initial series. Hethke published their first run from 1979 to 1980 (all 125 stories in 32 issues), and this is their second run starting at #55. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#55 - 2000 |
#76 - 200? |
#90 - 200? |
#102 - 200? |
#118 - 2005 |
#125 - 2005 |