The series premiered in 1973*. Stopped in 1974 after 39 issues. The science fiction stories take place in the 21st century, in which the spaceship Espérance is sent on perilous missions by Earth's world council. On board are several replaceable adventurers from diverse nations. The most often recurring one is the French engineer Robert 'Bob' Mallard AKA Raumagent Alpha. * The series was initially published on and off in the French magazines Vaillant and Pif Gadget from 1945 to 1973. The original title of the series is Les Pionniers de l’Espérance meaning The Pioneers of Hope in English. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1973 |
#9 - 1973 |
#18 - 1973 |
#23 - 1973 |
#29 - 1974 |
#39 - 1974 |