The series premiered in 1997. Stopped in 2000 after 23 issues*, but has been revived from 2013. Ongoing. The childhood friends Eric Henderson (Quantum) and Woodrow Van Chelton (Woody) have opposite personalities, as Quantum is serious and analytical, while Woody is easygoing and humourous. But they form a strange and uncharacteristic superhero team nonetheless, in which they are bound by a scientist's high-tech and superpowered energy matrix in the shape of gauntlets with control bands that have to be connected once a day, or the friends will discorporate. * The issues span from #1 to #21, but wedged in between 5 and 6 is a #0, and between 17 and 18 is a #32. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |