The series premiered in 1995. Stopped in 1997 after 24 issues, that started with #5 in 1995. The world is under attack from evading dark forces, and a group of teenage rangers (each identified by a special colour) is summoned to battle the evil under the name of Power Rangers Mystic Force. The rangers are able to use considerable skills such as superpowers and magic when they encounter their adversaries. The series is based on an American TV series that initially aired from 1993 to 1996, but it has continued in similar series since. Ongoing. |
None. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
#5 - 1995 |
#11 - 1995 |
#3 - 1996 |
#6 - 1996 |
#12 - 1996 |
#4 - 1997 |