The series premiered in 2003. Stopped in 2006 after 7 issues. The 16-year old schoolgirl Yaya Higuchi is a timid and innocent teenager, who is constantly put down and bullied by her surroundings. Luckily for her, she can switch on a completely different personality at will. Then she becomes the tough Nana, a revenger who deals with her wrong-doers. The series is not named after the famous Shakespearean play, but rather after the board game by the same title, that switches between white and black pieces. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
#1 - 2003 |
#2 - 2004 |
#3 - 2004 |
#4 - 2004 |
#6 - 2005 |
#7 - 2006 |