The series premiered in 1982. Stopped in 1983 after 21 issues. The main character is the Harvard entomologist and Olympic athlete Mike Ross (Mykros), who, together with his wife Priscilla Conway (Saltarella) and his friend Bobby Crabb (Crabb), are unwillingly mutated into animal-like humanoids by an alien race bent on conquering the Earth. They attempt to foil the aliens' plans using their acquired skills that include agility, flight, size manipulation, and super strength. The series is of French origin and was first published in 1980 titled Mikros. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1982 |
#7 - 198? |
#10 - 198? |
#13 - 198? |
#18 - 198? |
#21 - 1983 |