series premiered in 1934. Stopped in 1977. This
is the continuing, satirical story of hillbillies living
in the county of Dogpatch somewhere in the Appalachian
Mountains. Some of the inhabitants are scoundrels and
thieves, some are too lazy to work, most are dumber than
Caplin managed to establish an impressive gallery of odd
characters who in some way commented on his view on
American life and politics. The forerunner is Abner, a
hulking and naive man-child, who constantly gets
entangled in all sorts of events and adventures, and much
of his time is used to tear the beautiful and lovesick
Daisy Mae out of his hair.
The series' very first strip invites the reader into the
unique atmosphere and spirit of what was to come. The
text reads: The simple home of the Yokums, nestling
high in the hills of the South! - And there are no
simpler hill billies in all them hills than Mammy and
Pappy Yokum! - And here is Li'l Abner, only 19 years old
and six foot three in his stockinged feet, if he wore