The series premiered in 2002*. Stopped in 2004 after 12 issues. This humourous series features three deserted American soldiers who, at first, roam the southeast Asia in 1949. Basically, they are disillusioned and cowardly racketeers. They are Nick Mc 'Mac' Junior Buttle (120 kgs of muscles), Anthony 'Tony' Key (cynical and lazy), and Timothy 'Tim' O'Rey (violent but kind to animals and children). They are searching for the lost Alix Yin Fu, who is Mac's lover as well as a communist agent and expert in close combat. The series' French title means The Unspeakables in English. * Initially, a series by the same title was published - partly by Dargaud - from 1983 to 2000 (10 issues). |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 2002 |
#4 - 2002 |
#7 - 2002 |
#8 - 2002 |
#10 - 2002 |
#12 - 2004 |