The series premiered in 1990. Ongoing. The title character was born in the former Yugoslavia as Largo Winczlav, and later adopted by the successful businessman Nerio Winch. When he is murdered Largo Winch takes over the vast business empire called Group W. He now has to fight several shady companies in order to remain in control, and at the same time he looks for his adopted father's murderers. The series has been transformed into a TV series in 2001 (39 episodes), a video game (2002), and two films (2008 and 2011). |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1990 |
#6 - 1995 |
#8 - 1997 |
#11 - 2000 |
#16 - 2008 |
#20 - 2015 |