The series premiered in 1977*. Ongoing. This annual Swedish series is set in the fictional village of Vinkelboda, where we follow the title character and his wife Malin in their daily lives. He is a bone-idle man in his sixties, easily recognizable for his big nose and tall, slender body. He has an aversion to any kind of work and spends a great deal of time trying to wriggle out of such threatening commitments. This also means that he is always broke causing his wife to nag him all the time, often accompanied by his mother-in-law. * The series started as a newspaper strip in 1927, and was later published in the comic book format by another publisher. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
1977 |
1984 |
1992 |
1996 |
2003 |
2013 |