The series premiered in 1994. Stopped in 1995 after 12 issues. This pocket-sized series features a German privateer who roams in the Hanseatic regions during the late 14th century as the leader of a group of pirates. The series refers to a real person who lived from 1360 to 1401 and was primarily known as a pirate in the Baltic waters. His name (that changes between Klaus Störtebeker, Klaas Störtebecker, Claas Störtebeker, and Nikolaus Storzenbecher) is connected to numerous legends that are not all historically based. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1994 |
#2 - 1994 |
#4 - 1994 |
#8 - 1994 |
#10 - 1995 |
#12 - 1995 |