The series premiered in 1988*. Stopped in 1990 after 15 issues, but was briefly revived in other versions until 1994. A nuclear war has wrecked the Earth, but a scientist named Emmanuel Cugat succeeds in producing 5 special mutants who are sent out to inspect the remains of the planet, where the few survivors have been horribly mutated. Some of these beings are now living as villains, and it is the mutants' task to neutralize them. The mutants are called Angela, Belushi, Erin, Lorelei, and Vikki. * The series was first published from 1986 and has since changed publishers and imprints several times thus restarting the series in different versions. The version on this page is the second one. |
None. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |