The series premiered in 1995. Stopped in 2004 after 9 issues. The series takes place in France during the 16th century and involves characters known from history. In 1622 Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (later known as the actor and playwright Molière) is born, but at the same time another boychild is born by Ariane de Troïl (known as the main character in Les 7 Vies de L'Épervier). This child's father is King Louis XIII, but the newborn accidentally dies and is secretly being substituted for Poquelin. As he grows up he tries to disclose his true origin. The series, that is built on speculation, premiered in France titled Le Fou du Roi. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1995 |
#2 - 1995 |
#4 - 1997 |
#6 - 1998 |
#8 - 2001 |
#9 - 2004 |