The series premiered in 1973*. Stopped in 1983 after 7 issues. This is a science fiction series aimed at children about the young Dani Blancor who, in 1983, crashes his airplane into the wilderness of Arctic and gets frozen down. In the year 2104 he is found and defrozen and can begin to lead a new life, now known as Dani Futuro, among Earth's advanced inhabitants as well as visit other worlds accompanied by a young girl named Iris. * The series was first published in Journal de Tintin from 1971. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#1 - 1973 |
#2 - 1974 |
#3 - 1975 |
#5 - 1977 |
#6 - 1982 |
#7 - 1983 |