The series premiered in 1994*. Ongoing. This dark series is set in a medieval fantasy world dominated by diverse divine powers. The intrepid character appointed to set things right is the half-elf Wismerhill, who is joined on his perilous mission by several characters such as the gigantic half-ocre Gorghor Bey, the elven warrior Pile-ou-Face, and the female demon Hellaynnea. The series' title means Chronicles of the Black Moon in English. * The first 4 editions were issued by other publishers from 1989 to 1992. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues) |
#5 - 1994 |
#7 - 1997 |
#9 - 2000 |
#11 - 2003 |
#13 - 2006 |
#17 - 2015 |