The series premiered in 1947. Stopped the same year after 4x4 issues*. The series contains independent Disney funny animal stories with focus on Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. The booklet strip series was financed by the General Mills corporation and sold as giveaways for its Cheerios breakfast cereals, and is today best known as Cheerios Giveaway. * The issues were published in 4 series marked W, X, Y, and Z and with 4 issues in each series. A second, similar run of 3 series was made in 1954 marked 1, 2, and 3, and is today possibly best remembered for being attempted 3D versions. |
None. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
W#1 - 1947 |
W#4 -1947 |
X#3 -1947 |
Y#1 -1947 (see more HERE) |
Z#2 -1947 |
Z#4 -1947 |