The series premiered in 1997. Stopped in 2014 after 210 issues. The title character Bibi (Brigitte) Blocksberg - whose surname in English is a reference to the German mountain Brocken traditionally known for its connection with witches - in this children's magazine is a 13-year old girl, who mostly uses her magical powers to make practical jokes. Her favourite mean of transportation is the broomstick Kartoffelbrei (Mashed Potato), which she uses for travel in her hometown, the fictitious Neustadt. The series is based on German children's radio shows and cartoon films. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
#7 - 1998 |
#5 - 2003 |
#12 - 2005 |
#9 - 2007 |
#6 - 2011 |
#1 - 2014 |