The series premiered in 2002. Stopped in 2004 after 14 issues. The main character is the 16-year old Aya Mikage, who learns that she is the reincarnation of a powerful celestial maiden by the name of Ceres. She once had her celestial robe stolen, and now she is after revenge focussing on Aya's gentle twin brother Aki, who used to be Ceres' husband. Aya tries to harness the negative powers within her, and she attempts to find the robe in order not to lose her brother. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
#1 - 2002 |
#3 - 2003 |
#4 - 2003 |
#10 - 2004 |
#13 - 2004 |
#14 - 2004 |