The series premiered in 1960*. Ongoing. This annual Swedish series describes some sort of hillbilly life in a small community with Efraim Erik Nilsson, called Åsa-Nisse (meaning Ridge-Nils in English (the special Scandinavian letter Å stands for Aa)), as the dominating character. Basically he is a smalltime farmer but he prefers to spend his time poaching or lazying around with his friends. Åsa-Nisse's primary objectives are to stay clear of the law - and his nagging wife Eulalia. * The comic book series started in 1955, and has spawned many issues and editions over the years. The examples on this page focus on a few of the annual Christmas albums published by Semic beginning in 1975. |
GALLERY (presenting the front covers from 6 random issues). |
1975 |
1979 |
1984 |
1988 |
1992 |
1996 |